Monday, December 28, 2009

Projek Sarjana Muda 2009/2010...

Update kali nie saje nak citer pasal PSM... Dah nak abis nie standad la keje berduyun-duyun. Cam waterfall... Tapi kene redah gak nak tak nak. Its all bout concrete 4 dis project.. Bout aerated concrete. So memang penat... Tak leh nak kate ape. N below ade few pics mase aku wat lab..

Oleh kerane keje ni memerlukan tenaga seorang lelaki patutnya (huhu), aku amik ayue jadi assistant. Epul kate, "mengalahkan org amik master..."...hehe. Nak wat camne, mane larat.... Pic atas tu mix pasir, simen, slag n aluminium powder. Aluminium powder akan produce bubles tapi material ni poison. So kene handle very carefully. Lastly, baru masuk superplasticizer n air. Yg leceh, mixture ni takleh lame sgt bancuh. Pic kat bawah ni lak mixture yg dah siap aku masukkan dalam mould.

Mcm muffin...yumm yumm....hehe. Memang mixture ni akan kembang after few minutes...sebab aluminium powder tu dah mula react. Bubles pun makin byk. Millions... Next day, dah leh bukak mould dah. Pic bawah ni bubles yang aku ckp tu lps concrete keras. Dats why concrete ni ringan...

At last, nie hasilnya... Cubes utk testing n blocks utk wall...

Bile block dah cukup utk buat wall, baru naik wall pulak... Next time aku akan update utk gmbr wall. Insya Allah...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Welcoming the New Year 2010

It has been quite a challenging year for 2009, and I'm praying and hoping that 2010 will be better than the year before, Insya Allah. There is a lot of things to do in 2010. The biggest even will be my wedding somewhere around October, which has not yet been finalize the exact date. I need to find job fast so that i can have enough money for the wedding in October. I will be 28 years old next year and Faridah will be 25 years old. I need to stop smoking for good this year, because it's under faridah terms and conditions hehe... Time flies and looking at my friends that are already married and have kids make me feel old... but i know i will always be 21 at heart, hehe...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hanisah's Wedding


Hanisah's wedding day

Most of my classmate came to hanisah's wedding near Pantai Hill Park, after the wedding we went for a drink. A Happy Day for all of us. Hopefully everything goes as plan so next year will be our turn.

Monday, December 21, 2009


After so many years of trying to complete my Degree finally I manage to complete it. Alhamdullilah, and thank you, to all who have supported me along the way. I should have completed my degree 4 years ago, but being young and naive, i failed. I guess i just have to look forward for the future. Curently bz looking for job. Hopefully I will get one soon coz by october next year i should have the money ready for the wedding. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Twilight Saga : New Moon

Last sunday aku g srmbn... Last minute buat decision.. Seronok sgt dpt jumpe epul. Dah lame tak jumpe dia. Masuk 2 bulan dah... Anniversary ari tu pun tak jumpe (1 november)... I love u so much sayang....n i miss u...

N malam tu kitorg g tgk Twilight New Moon. Suke gler tgk 1st Twilight, kalu tak xde aku nak ulang tayang smpi 5 kali berturut2.. hahahaaaa... N 2nd Twilight terus aku tgk ngan epul.. aku bagi 10 stars kat Twilight!!!!!

Along's Wedding

Along Masniza telah succes melangsungkan perkahwinannya beberape bulan lps.. hmmm... a month after ayan n anip. So, next year will b our turn..

p/s : happy dpt jumpe membe2 lame. Tak sangka sume dah lbh mtg, ade yg dah 'bsr' (hehehe), dah tunang n....dah nak ade baby...huhu...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ulu Bendul Sept 2009

Location: Ulu Bendul